Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Economic inequity has been a reality in the U.S. throughout its history, and it continues to this day. A 2020 study by the Brookings Institution shows that the median net worth of white families in America is ten times greater than that of Black families. Latino/Hispanic men earn nearly 15% less than their white counterparts for similar work requiring comparable skills and education. For Latina/Hispanic women, it is 33% less.
Junior Achievement is committed to creating a more equitable and just tomorrow by promoting economic empowerment through our programs. We prioritize:
Creating an inclusive and diverse future workforce by introducing students to the transformative power of career exploration and planning.
Leveraging technology to maximize reach and impact by investing in innovative digital learning experiences to increase opportunities for students.
Addressing the racial, ethnic, and gender wealth gaps by teaching financial strategies to empower students to be fully engaged in the economy.
Developing young entrepreneurs by connecting students and business volunteers to instill entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mindsets.
Defining DEI
The key to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion is achieved is through consistency among our internal and external stakeholders.
Diversity embodies inclusiveness, mutual respect, and multiple perspectives and serves as a catalyst for change resulting in equity. It includes all aspects of human differences such as socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, geography, disability, and age, among other characteristics.
The proportional distribution or parity of desirable outcomes across groups. Sometimes confused with equality, equity refers to outcomes, while equality connotes equal treatment. Where individuals or groups are dissimilarly situated, equal treatment may be insufficient for or even detrimental to equitable outcomes. An example is individualized educational accommodations for students with disabilites, which treat some students differently to ensure their equitable access to education.
A core element for successfully achieving diversity, inclusion is created by nurturing the culture and climate of the institution through professional development, education, policy, and practice. The objective is to create a climate that fosters belonging, respect, and value for all and encourages engagement and connection throughout the institution and community. In schools, inclusion often is used to refer to the practice of mainstreaming children with disabilities in general education classrooms.
JAEI Students by Ethnicity
Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa Students
JAEI Volunteers by School Level
JAEI Volunteers by Ethnicity
JAEI Volunteers by Gender Identity
Our Ongoing Commitment To The Future
Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa is committed to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is at the center of everything we do. We at Junior Achievement are dedicated to providing a positive, enriching learning experience free of bias that promotes greater economic opportunity and equity.
Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa welcomes K-12 students, volunteers, educators, staff, and other partners and stakeholders, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or any other legally protected characteristic.
Transparency Statement From Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement is a federated network of 102 offices that reflect local communities across the United States. While ethnic diversity hasn't always been displayed in every Junior Achievement territory, our Area offices are committed to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion is at the center of all endeavors in the present and future.
Junior Achievement USA has undertaken a thorough review of its learning experiences to ensure they are reflective of the communities we serve. This includes engaging subject matter experts in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
With the support of the CITI Foundation, Junior Achievement has implemented the Paradigm Reach platform, an online training site for JA associates dedicated to advancing awareness, knowledge, and skills that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.